These labs offer movement teachers a chance to take an open house tour of our evolving work in Open Floor Movement Practice.

The curriculum will include:

  • the Universal Movement Principles that underlie all healing movement practices
  • demonstration classes in the art of creating evocative scores
  • the use of anchors to integrate physical, emotional and mindful presence into any teaching session
  • co-consulting with seasoned colleagues
  • a chance for interested teachers to learn about Dynamic Governance — our creative collaboration model.

While there are no formal prerequisites, Common Ground is geared towards movement teachers, and is not an open public workshop.

These labs are for you if:

  • You’re a working movement teacher looking for new inspiration and skills.
  • You’re an aspiring teacher interested in applying for Open Floor Teacher Training in 2015, and already have extensive personal experience in one or more movement modalities. This program is not for those in the early stages of embodiment study.
  • You’re a licensed psychology professional interested in adding movement to your work with clients, and attending future training in Open Floor Movement Therapy. Some experience in body-based modalities required.

This is not a teacher training, but rather an overview of our work for those who are interested in future training.

with Andrea Juhan, Kathy Altman, Lori Saltzman, Vic Cooper and OFI Founding Members